Thursday, March 31, 2011

FaceBook...Pros and Cons

Most people would agree on Face book being good, and some people may agree with Face book being bad...There are some good, and bad things about FB, that I want you to talk to you about.
Pros: This new social network helps friends and family to connect with the people they do NOT see everyday. For people who don't see their families and friends every day, FB has fixed that problem. The real names and identities greatly reduces the number of anonymous cowards in comments. Friends pull in their friends, creating a social entry point to your site. Also, if you are already signed into FB, elsewhere, lowers the barriers to commenting. Most "liked" comments get voted to "the top". It also knows who your friends are, so you will see those comments first.
Cons: There is no support for Twitter or Google Id's, which leaves out the other half of the social Web. There are no backups and other lock-ins will make it hard for sites to leave. And, if you work somewhere that blocks Face book, you are out of luck. You can't even if you try, they know that you would want to go on Face Book, so they would block it because you're not getting any work done. Also, your friends might be surprised to find their replies in your Face book News stream reproduced on another site’s comments.  Expect a backlash.....
In my opinion, there is really no "up" side to Face Book. I know there is a way to talk to your family and friends, but this social network, is just a big mistake. Ever since FB was created, there has been 3,000 people, who had either committed suicide, or just died from meeting up with their "friend" on FB (in real life). 
Face book 2011 (picture below)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Students Suspended, Expelled Over Facebook Posts

Two students have been suspended, and one student has been expelled, over negative Facebook postings they made about a teacher. The individuals are in seventh grade at Chapel Hill Middle School, meaning they are either 12 or 13 years old, according to My Fox Atlanta. The children are accused of violating a portion of the school code that is a “level one” offense, the worst possible: “Falsifying, misrepresenting, omitting, or erroneously reporting” allegations of inappropriate behavior by a school employee toward a student, according to AJC. Alejandra Sosa, an honor roll student, said she regretted posting a Facebook status calling her teacher a pedophile. She has been suspended for 10 days. “I was just expressing myself on Facebook, because like I said I was mad that day because of what he [did],” Sosa said in a statement. “So, I mean I had no intentions of ruining his reputation.” Sosa is currently drafting an apology to her teacher. At the same time though, she said her school principal, Jolene Morris, violated her privacy by ordering her to log into her Facebook account at a school library computer. Morris then reportedly read the offending post and ensuing responses from friends before ordering Sosa to delete the posts. As many as 15 children made two dozen posts about the teacher in the Facebook conversation, but their penalties were not as severe (for example, a one-day suspension from school). William Lambert, also an honor roll student, had the same feelings as Sosa after he was reprimanded for calling the same teacher a rapist. He has also been suspended. “I shouldn’t have done it,” Lambert said in a statement. “Because I could have still been at school, like right now, if I never had commented on the post.” Taylor Tindle was expelled for posting that the same teacher is bipolar. The student’s mother asked not to be identified but said she believed the school’s punishment did not fit the crime and pointed out that her child did not even get a chance to apologize before getting kicked out.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Kids Getting Angry At Their Parents

blogging topics for teenagers
"My child gets me so mad!"
"My child makes me so angry!"
"My child made me lose my temper!"

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. How the child acts is up to the child. How the parent chooses to feel in response is up to the parent. When parents give up responsibility for their emotional state by blaming their child for causing it, they give that child far too much power. Believing that the child is in charge of their feelings, parents now get really angry with the child for "controlling" their emotions. The law of psychological responsibility is simply this: Each individual (and no one else) decides how he or she is going to feel, think, and act. Emotions operate like an early awareness system. So why would parents decide to feel angry? The answer is in the question. Anger is a feeling, and like all emotions it is functional. Children get angry at their parents for the same reasons that they get mad at their friends. They are frustrated because they can’t do what they want or get something they want. They get angry in response to parents’ demands. Or they get angry in response to their parents’ anger. Children also get angry at their parents for two special reasons. They may feel afraid of certain events or whatever is going on, and they may use the anger to express or cover up those concerns. Rather than feeling helpless, children often become angry. Children in single-parent families may often worry about parents leaving them or not caring about them, and these concerns may also trigger anger. And when children go through changes or surprises in their lives, they may get angry as a way to get some control. Anger gives them a sense of power over their lives.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Perth Amboy Graverobbing

The bodies of a two-year-old boy and an elderly man dug up from cemeteries decades after they died may have been stolen by members of a cult, authorities say.There may be a connection in the theft of the body of a 72-year-old man in Fords, and that of a two-year-old in Perth Amboy, both of whom were stolen from their graves. This mystery began with a gruesome discovery Sunday, when two fisherman along the Passaic River in Clifton, New Jersey spotted a partially-submerged plastic bag. "Since fishing was so slow, they waded out and pulled it in and were highly surprised to find a young child's body in the plastic bag," said Stamford Police Captain Richard Conklin. The medical examiner in New Jersey determined that the young child was a 2-year old girl who had been buried at Woodland Cemetery in Stamford in 2007 after dying of a medical condition.Stamford police were back at her grave site Monday. Child’s Body Stolen From Cemetery. Child’s Body Stolen From Cemetery. They dug up the grave and found the coffin had been tampered with, but the grave site didn't look disturbed. "The ground looked intact and looked natural, so this isn't recent that this has happened," Captain Conklin said. The body ended up in a New Jersey river that's been called an open dumping ground. The Passaic River is nicknamed the "River of Death" after five bodies have been pulled from it this year alone. Stamford police are trying to determine when the body was stolen from the cemetery and why. Those are the questions Stamford police are trying to answer for a family that is now grieving for their baby girl all over again. "The parents had no reason to believe the child wasn't in the ground and they seemed to be quite shocked when they received that piece of information," Conklin said.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder...

Goes from this to this...... All because of the curse..........   

     Beastly is an upcoming 2011 fantasy romance film based on Alex Flinn's 2007 novel, of the same name. It is a retelling of the fairytale Beauty and the Beast set in modern-day New York City. The film is written and directed by Daniel Barnz and stars Vanessa Hudgens, Alex Pettyfer, Mary Kate Olsen, Neil Patrick Harris and Lisa Gay Hamilton. The plot focuses on Kyle Kingson, a handsome man with an evil streak, who disrespects a classmate, who is a witch in disguise, during an environmental event. The witch then casts a spell on Kyle and physically transforms him into a grotesque monster. It was expected to be distributed to theaters by CBS Films and Alliance Films on July 30, 2010. It was, however, it moved to March 18, 2011, in order to avoid Hudgens's film from clashing with the release of Zac Efron's film Charlie St. Cloud, but in January 2011, it was bumped down to March 4, 2011. In this movie a friend of Kyle's, named  Kendra accepts, and, true to form, Kyle blows her off in a particularly savage fashion. She retaliates by casting a spell that physically transforms him into everything he despises. Enraged by his horrible and unrecognizable appearance he confronts Kendra and learns that the only solution to the curse is to find someone that will love him as he is – a task he considers impossible. Repulsed by his appearance, Kyle's callous father banishes him to Brooklyn with a sympathetic housekeeper and blind tutor. As Kyle ponders how to overcome the curse and get his old life back, he chances upon a drug addict in the act of killing a threatening dealer. Seizing the opportunity, Kyle promises the addict freedom and safety for his daughter, Lindy (Vanessa Hudgens) if she will consent to live in Kyle's Brooklyn home. Thus begins Kyle's journey to discover true love in this hyper-modern retelling of the classic "Beauty and the Beast" story.      My opinion, on this movie, would be; I can't wait to see it!!! Also, still up to this day, I love the movie Beauty And The Beast, and it would be nice to see the more modern version, of that movie, and actually see how it relates to Beauty And The Beast. And I'm sure it will have some similarities, considering that the novel, that the movie is based on, has similarities that the movies has. Some similarities include that it's a supernatural romance, and its a fairytale. This movie is sort of hyper-modern version of this story and that it was told from his perspective, which we'd never seen before and thematically, because it's all about beauty and how you look and inner beauty that this was such a great story set in the teenage world and for teenagers, and because it has such a great message to it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Child Abuse

     What actually is child abuse? Child abuse has been defined as any form of emotional, sexual, physical, verbal harm or neglect meted out to a child by another person, be it adult or child. So many children than ever before are victims of one form of abuse or the other. Perpetrators consistently device new ways to execute their devilish acts without getting caught or suspected. Each day in the United States, more than 3 children die as a result of child abuse in the home. In 2000, an estimated 1,200 children died of abuse and neglect—an average of more than 3 children per day. Victims known to child protective services agencies, which track abuse and neglect in the home. Most of the children who die, are younger than six years old. Approximately three million reports of possible maltreatment are made to child protective service agencies each year. In the year of 2000, these referrals concerned the welfare of approximately five billion children. In 1999, an estimated 2.974 million child abuse reports were received by local child protective services. Child abuse is reported----on average----every ten seconds. Nearly one-half of substantiated cases of child neglect and abuse are associated with parental alcohol or drug abuse. It is estimated that one in every four children in the United States (28 million) are living in a household with an alcoholic adult.  84 percent of prison inmates were abused as children.Statistics show; 564,500 of kids in America suffered neglect
149,000 of kids in America were physically abused
83,500 of kids in America were sexually abused
64,000 of kids in America were psychologically or emotionally abused
142,372 of kids in America have been abondend, threats to harm the child, and children who are getting abused, either have a parent/ gardian, who is a drinker and/or has a drug adiction. 
     Child victims who were reported with disabilities accounted for almost 8% of all victims of child abuse and neglect in the 39 states. For every incident of child abuse or neglect that gets reported, it’s estimated that two others go unreported. My thoughts on child abuse are obvesily nagitive thoughts, but some people might think other wise. For instance, some people, who would disagree with the fact that child abuse is bad, might think; well it teaches children disipling, if I hit them, and if they don't want to get hit again, then they will do as they're told. Well yes, that is a good point, but are they really learning 'disaplin'? I don't think it teaches disaplin at all, because if it did teach disiplin, then why do they keep doing what ever they are doing that makes parents/gardians, hit them?