Monday, January 31, 2011

My Skating Ninja, Bff

          My best friend is a super hero... Her power is to turn herself invisible. Shhhh!!! Don't let the secret out, OK? Not only is she a super hero, she is a ninja, who likes to skate. A skating Ninja! Can you believe it?! How cool is she? Her name is Jade. We met at cheer leading practice, along time ago. Ever since I saw "her mad ninja skills",as she called it, I knew I was going to like her as a friend. She started to show off her "mad ninja skills" at practice and she kept getting in trouble because she was interrupting the practice. Then the coaches finally agreed that her and I were the ultimate trouble makers! But her and I are bffs now and we still get in trouble in cheer leading practice, but we do it together! We hang out all the time... But mostly at cheer leading practice. She is a flyer and I'm her base, she trusts me very well to let me be her base. And she is all the things that I look forward to in a friend. She's nice, funny, sweet, pretty, friendly to everyone, she likes me for who I am, and I can be myself around her.
          So back to the whole, she's a ninja thing. You're probably wondering if I'm crazy, she's crazy, or I'm just lying to you. Well it's none of those. I actually saw her invisible, no really! Invisible! Well OK I didn't really "SEE" her invisible. Once we were chatting on a google chat, and it said, "Jade is offline right now. All sent messages will be sent to Jade when online. So I said, "How cud yu leve me lik tht?!?!?" And she responded with, "wat r u tlking bout?!?!? im stil here!! :)" and that's when I realized that she was an invisible ninja. And you're probaly wondering, "Then what's with the invisible skating ninja?!" Imean I already told you how she became a ninja, and invisible, but I never told you how her name became the 'Invisible SKATING Ninja.' So here it is.... After all that I waited 1 week to ask her if she wanted to go rollerskating with me and my brother, she agreded to come aglong with us, and she acted like she didn't care too much about skating, but when we go there, she reveled her true colors. She loved to skate! She was like a pro. She did all kinds of tricks. She almost fell but she cought herself. But when my brother and I asked her where she learned to skate, and she just said, "Oh! Those moves, I just pulled them out of my sleve!" And now you know why she is called the "Invisable Skating Ninja!"  

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